Kestrel 5700 Elite Meter with Applied Ballistics with Link MSRP: $699.00 Back Order - Ship Time is typically 4-8 weeks from order date
Kestrel 5700 Ballistics Weather Meter with LiNK MSRP: $399.00 Back Order - Ship Time is typically 4-8 weeks from order date
Kestrel 5700 Elite Meter with Applied Ballistics with Link KESTREL 5700 ELITE METER WITH APPLIED BALLISTICS Available in: Black, Tan, Olive, Flat Dark Earth, and Blaze Orange, Flat Dark Earth: $599With LiNK in Black, Tan, Olive, Flat Dark Earth, or Blaze... MSRP: $699.00 Back Order - Ship Time is typically 4-8 weeks from order date
Kestrel 5700 Ballistics Weather Meter with LiNK The Kestrel 5700. This sort of replaced the Sportsman as now a more affordable option. So what's the difference in the 5700 and the Elite Model? The Elite has the proprietary Applied Ballistics... MSRP: $399.00 Back Order - Ship Time is typically 4-8 weeks from order date